.nz Domain Name Changes

.nz Domain Name Changes

From 1pm on September 30th this year, the .nz domain name commission will be permitting the registration of shorter .nz domain names like "anyname.nz"

These domains will cost the same as traditional .co.nz domain names $38 per annum.

We believe the shorter domains will be come the more popular domains in the long run. We most definitely will be registering and using the shorter versions ourselves whereever possible.

You can check the status of your shorter domain availability here: http://anyname.nz/  

We hope all your domains are PRR status, which is the best status to have. 

In most cases, if you registered a NZ domain before 2 years ago, and the status is PRR, and then you can easily register the shorter version, in the first 6 months, there after it becomes a "first come first served". We would encourage everyone to register their PRR status domain to prevent someone else getting it. 

If there are other businesses who have the same main domain name with a different suffix, then the domain will be 'conflicted' and you need to follow a process to resolve the conflict, after September 30th, http://anyname.nz/conflicted-names.html

If you registered your domain in the last 2 years, then it will likely show as 'available' status. This status is not  as awesome as it sounds, it means anyone can register the shorter domain. Scary stuff!!!!

Contact your domain name supplier, or hosting company, and ask where you stand with your company domain name/s.


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